In the small town of Kannada, a young tenant was struggling to make ends meet. The landlord, a wealthy and powerful man, had been demanding an increase in rent for months. The tenant, desperate to keep a roof over his head, had no choice but to agree. However, the landlord had a different idea in mind. He offered to waive the rent increase in exchange for a wild night of passion with the tenant. At first, the tenant was hesitant, but the thought of being able to save some money was too tempting to resist. And so, the landlord satisfied the tenant's rent demand with a steamy and intense fuck. The tenant was left breathless and satisfied, and the landlord was pleased to have found a new source of pleasure. This desi dex encounter between the two was kept a secret, but the tenant couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and excitement every time he saw the landlord. It was a hot and forbidden affair, filled with xxxxxc and the joys of porn. The tenant couldn't believe his luck, and the
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